Generally speaking, Tension wound finned tubes, embedded finned tubes and extruded finned tubes are main devices for air coolers and the common application fields are:
A. Heat exchangers for power plants (electric, nuclear, thermal and geothermal power plants)
B. Steam condensate systems
C. Chemical and petrochemical industry
D.Food processing plants and refrigeration technology
E. Industrial (steel mills, incinerators, gas compression facilities)
For the inspection and tests on G-fin, L-fin, LL-fin, KL-fin and extruded-fin finned tubes, we usually do the following tests:
Chemical composition
Mechanical properties
Hydrostatic test
Pneumatic test
Boroscopic inspection
Eddy current test
Tensile Test (only for extruded finned tube)
The material certificate including all the tests can be provided, and also with EN10204 3.1standard.
Welcome to contact with us for any kind of information and request.
Phone: +86 18252727002
Add:No.1 Zhicheng Road, Chazhen Industrial Zone, Maji Town
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